
Cardamine Pratensis

This flower has gained many common names which still prevail. Of these Lady’s-smock is possibly most widely used but people still refer to Milkmaids, Fairy Flower and May Flower.

It is named, Cuckooflower, as it flowers around the time that the first Cuckoos arrive. Typically, this has been in mid- to late-April. Despite global warming, migrating Cuckoos continue to arrive in Britain at around the same time they have always done; the Cuckooflower may however be flowering earlier than in the past. That said, the pictures on this page were taken in mid-May 2024.

This is a flower of damp places and is thought to have occurred in Long Meadow for many years. It is a brassica and is a larval foodplant of the Orange-tip butterfly.

Apparently it was in some places considered sacred to fairies and as such it was considered unlucky to take indoors.