Dogs at Croft Close Set Aside

At Croft Close Set-aside we have wildlife that is vulnerable to disturbance by dogs. For this reason, it is really helpful to all who visit and enjoy the site if all dogs are kept under close control.

We have interesting plant communities which depend on a healthy rabbit population. Similarly, we host farmland birds which nest low down in bushes. We could lose all this. So we appreciate the contribution from all the dog walkers who keep their dogs on a shortish lead and otherwise closely managed.

It is important that all dog faeces are removed. Why? The nutrients increase the fertility of the land which over time will mean more plants like nettles (which thrive in nutrient-rich circumstances) will extend over the site to the detriment of our specialities such as the Small cudweed and Changing forget-me-not.

For more information, see this link .

Sometimes sheep graze on Abbey Farm, out of sight but just beyond our southern boundary. In early 2022 a sheep on Abbey Farm was savaged, eventually dying, by a dog which had run off from its walker on the Set-aside, much to the distress of everyone involved.

We also ask you not to let your dog enter either of the two ponds. Even one dog entering a day can cause considerable damage to the pond’s ecology. Please have consideration for other’s enjoyment of these small waterbodies.