Abbey Fields


The historic centre of Histon lies on a low ridge northwest of today’s High Street. Croft Close Nature Reserve lies on the ridge’s northern slopes while Long Meadow sits below the southern slope.

This ridge links up with other areas of higher ground reaching northwards towards the fens. There is some evidence suggesting there were tracks along this ridge some 3000 years ago. More recently this was the route past Rampton to Aldreth Causeway – where it is believed Hereward the Wake led the resistance to William the Conqueror’s Normans, who struggled to advance on the Isle of Ely to put down an insurrection.

Gun’s Lane, named after a local family, now runs along this ridge. In medieval times this was known as the King’s Path. Originally the easternmost section of this crossed the northern part of Croft Close Nature Reserve; there continued to be a path on this line until at least 1925.

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