The Brook

and its


As The Brook is an Award Drain, South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) maintain the watercourse as part of their flood prevention function. There are byelaws which restrict what riparian landowners can do. These include not having new trees growing within 3m of the bank top.

SCDC trim back the vegetation within the channel to the top of the bank. This usually happens just after the field north of The Brook is harvested – sometime in mid-summer. HIGS has no direct control over the timing, nor do we undertake supplementary cutting of the vegetation.

The Brook supports a range of flora such as the locally declining Water Forget-me-not and the Near Threatened (in England) Crosswort. There are occasional small fish and several species of dragon- and damselfly. From time-to-time water voles are reported.

The latter is the reason why the vegetation in the meadow on the bank top is cut on a three year rotation as this provides a foraging opportunity for water voles to exploit.