Long Meadow Flora Surveys

Fixed survey plots

Four randomly selected locations are surveyed in each of 12 plots, also randomly selected. The aim is to record all species present and assess the proportion of ground covered by:

  • Forbs (a herbaceous flowering plant that is not a graminoid - or grass)

  • Grass – split into the “thugs” (Cock’s-foot, False oat-grass and Yorkshire-fog) and the other less-thuggish grasses

  • Bare ground – measured at the ground surface.

The area covered by the two kinds of grass is an indicator of how well the finer grasses are doing under the management regime. This complements the information on the forbs.

The relative cover for these four groups in 2024 is shown in this interactive map. The species present are shown in the following tables. In these tables the numbers / colours indicate the prevalence of each species present – whether it occurred in 1, 2, 3 or all 4 locations in the surveyed plot.

Hover over a site to see more information on popups. The inner pie chart is the base value from 2024. The outer ring is the latest value.


Thug Grass

Other Grass

Bare Earth

Long Meadow Flora Survey


If you want to reuse or copy this application : it is licensed using the APACHE 2 licence and uses the Leafletjs library which is licenced under the BSD 2 licence. TL;DR : "OK to copy and reuse"

Plant and wildlife data and pictures owned on behalf of the community by Histon and Impington Green Spaces (HIGS)

Data and pictures submitted by members of Histon and Impington community, and collated, cleaned, analysed etc by HIGS using other freely available data or software from :

In these tables, “west” refers to the plots west of the central lime tree and “east” are east of the central horse chestnut tree. “Central” is the area between these two trees.