David Jenkins Retires as Trustee

At the end of September David Jenkins retired as a trustee of Histon & Impington Green Spaces after serving since the charity was formed in August 2021. David has been involved in the Abbey Fields project from the outset – when securing the land for the community was little more than a dream. Since then he has been on the working groups which developed the vision of community ownership and helped generate support across the villages which ultimately led to Abbey Fields being secured as wild green spaces for the benefit of the community.

David has also had an important role in leading Fundraising and Communications and since March has been the Chair of the Trustee Board.
David will continue to support the charity as a volunteer, including working to meet the charity’s aspirations set out in “Our Strategic Priorities


Striking new archway installed at Croft Close Nature Reserve


Preparing for new planting in the Park Lane hedge