Abbey Fields Photography Competition
Calendar 2023
The Runners Up
We are now very pleased to announce the names of the photographers who took the runners-up photographs - congratulations to all! See below.
A very big thank you to all who entered, there were many excellent photographs.
Also, a big thank you to our two sponsors who have very generously helped towards the cost of producing the calendar.
Taken as part of my photography for the Abbey Farm Daffodil Walk; Photo by Jemima Borrill
The community meadow next to Clay Close Lane (opposite IVC); Photo by Caz Lawrence
Took this lying down. Unidentified fungus growing from the ground level stump of one of the ex avenue horse chestnut trees at Long Meadow; Photo by Alison Stuck
On a foggy October morning with bright sunshine breaking through and highlighting the trunk and Autumn leaves on one of the horse chestnuts on Long Meadow, contrasting with the short green grass and the dark green of the holly at the base of the trunk; Photo by Guy Richardson
Foggy morning with the sun breaking through as it rises, creating a hazy backdrop to Long Meadow; Photo by Guy Richardson
Sunset from Croft Close Set-aside; Photo by Julia Rijnbeek
Dog Rose are the commonest wild rose in England and Wales, and grace many hedgerows with their beautiful white petals. Croft Close Set-aside; Photo by Bernie Kedge
Sentimental snowdrops. St. George’s Way, Impington; Photo by Lynn Dean
Jay, Croft Close Set-aside; Photo by Marilyn Peterkin
Paths on the fields near Buxhall Farm; Photo by David Berry
Poppies in the fields past Buxhall Farm; Photo by David Berry
Wren, from the path to Westwick; Photo by Martin Minarik
Mistle thrush fledgling - a red-listed bird and the largest of our thrushes, on Long Meadow; Photo by Martin Minarik
The blackthorn blossom was just catching the last rays of sunshine in the evening in the hedgerow behind Croft Close Set-aside; Photo by Ben Wicks
A lovely walk from Oakington to Histon, along Bridleway and then via Abbey Field area; Photo by Agnieszka Cahn