Butterfly counters needed!
The national Big Butterfly Count 2022 which runs from 15th July through to 7th August is an opportunity for us all to contribute to monitoring the status of these beautiful creatures.
We are looking for volunteers to join us counting at both Croft Close Set-aside and Long Meadow. If the weather is suitable, we will make counts on:
Monday 25th July at 14:30 - meet at end of Croft Close
This session will take no more than an hour and will be suitable for children where supervised by an adult.
If interested, please contact sitemanagers@abbeyfields.online to register interest, stating which sessions and how many of you will come. We will endeavour to advise people in advance if the weather is likely to be unsuitable.
Additional sessions will be on these dates and times,
Thursday 28th July at 11:30 am - meet by new fence at Long Meadow
Tuesday 2nd August at 14:30 - meet at end of Croft Close
Friday 5th August at 11:30 am - meet by new fence at Long Meadow