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Flora of Croft Close Set-Aside

  • Croft Close Set Aside (map)

Dave Dives will show some of the interesting flora we have in the Croft Close Set-aside. Dave, a knowledgeable botanist probably knows the flora of the Set-aside as well as anyone, having recorded  around 170 species there. If we are in luck some of the late-flowering species will be in full bloom.

The walks are open to all. Whilst participants need to be able to walk over uneven ground we will be proceeding slowly to  allow those less sure on their feet to join in.

To attend this or any of the guided walks please register interest by emailing .

The walk will start at the gate at the end of Croft Close. Croft Close is a residential street so please respect our neighbours – come and leave quietly. Regrettably, there is no car parking here.

We will not be charging for these events, but if you would like to make a donation as a token of appreciation, or just to help us complete the purchase of these special places, visit our website or JustGiving.  We would also be very happy to accept cash donations on the day.

August 5

Butterfly Count

August 17

Abbey Fields - our haven for nature