Histon & Impington Green Spaces (HIGS) needs VOLUNTEERS to attend a stall on 25th March (10am-4pm) and 26th March (11 am to 4pm) as part of Cambridge Carbon Footprint's’ family-oriented ‘Shrink Lab’ – It’s in the city, at Cockcroft Lecture Theatre on the New Museums Site, and is part of the Cambridge Festival. If you could spare a couple of hours on either day, then please drop a line to Rob Bensted-Smith at chair@higreenspaces.org No expert knowledge needed. It would be much appreciated!
This is about public education for nature recovery, rather than fund-raising. We’ll have various props and displays, using Croft Close Set-aside as an example of how Nature can recover if given the chance, showing ways to improve habitat, and showing things you can do in your garden or neighbourhood.