Habitat Management
Long Meadow
Long Meadow comprises a hay meadow of long standing, bordered by a range of habitats which both complement the meadow as well as having considerable value in themselves.
The Meadow’s southern boundary, along Park Lane, is designated as an Important Countryside Frontage in the Local Plan.
The overarching ambition is to continue to farm Long Meadow to yield a hay crop whilst simultaneously boosting the floral diversity. This will also benefit other wildlife.
The peripheral habitats will be managed to promote biodiversity through enhancing the existing features. This will be done mindful of maintaining appropriate access arrangements and the legal restrictions imposed on HIGS as riparian owners of the land beside the stream.
Most of the northern two-thirds of the meadow lies in “Flood zone 3”, meaning it has a high probability of flooding (more than 1% in any year); normally the ground is well drained with standing water rare.
The habitat management takes account of these differing features as follows: