Advance notice of essential tree works at Long Meadow
Next week (13th-17th November 2023) tree surgeons will be undertaking major works on two horse chestnut trees in the avenue beside Park Lane. One needs to be felled and the other requires crown work. Histon & Impington Green Spaces has had to take this difficult decision to minimise safety risks to the public because both trees are diseased and a risk to the public.
The avenue of horse chestnuts is a very special feature of Long Meadow, but we have known for a long time that its days are numbered. Already half the original line has succumbed to the disease ‘bleeding canker’, and crown work is required on one clearly deteriorating tree with this disease. Now we also have one tree with the fatal Kretzschmaria deusta fungus. This attacks the roots rendering the entire tree unstable with the potential to collapse onto Park Lane. This tree will be felled. All the arisings will be taken away because of the diseases involved.
Recognising the importance of the avenue to the community we have been developing plans for a staged, but full, restoration. We have secured funding from the 2023 Histon Feast to plant two new sapling trees in the avenue – and this first planting will, weather permitting, be carried out in December 2023.
You can find details of our avenue restoration plans on our website here.
Photograph of eastern end of horse chestnut avenue (July 2023), tree to be felled is on the left.