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Help us start restoring the Long Meadow avenue of trees

Sadly, we lost another of the magnificent horse chestnuts in the avenue this year, making our restoration programme all the more important and urgent. With Feast funding we are starting now and you can get involved.

We need to prepare two plots ready for the first planting. No small undertaking! We have two work parties - it might take more, it depends how many of you come to help. We will have a mix of activities – how energetic you want to be is up to you.

Come and join us in starting a new chapter for this historic feature.

We start by the fence at the village end of Long Meadow.

Please register in advance by emailing This allows us to let you know if the work party has to be cancelled.

November 30

November work parties at Croft Close Set-aside

December 9

December work parties at Croft Close Set-aside