Abbey Fields Nature Quiz Trail
Long Meadow,
Sunday 16th April 2023
It was a fine April day on Long Meadow – a nice break from the showers. We were very pleased to see 110 children with their families entering our nature trail quiz spread out over the meadow at four stations where the answers to the quiz could be gleaned. From earthworms to active inhabitants of the night, from animal homes in the wild to how to measure the height of a tree. And the prizes - this time not more chocolate! But a handy magnifying glass and a choice of a nature spotting card – this seemed to go down well especially as we had a range of insects for the lucky winners to immediately look at.
Another reward was the fabulous collection of homemade cakes – yours for the price of a small donation! Sensibly some little ones choose the cake before walking up and down the meadow – a long way for little legs but good exercise! We were also able to show off the new Abbey Fields greeting cards – packs of 5, all different , for just £10 – these will be available at other events and hopefully on the website.
The information boards about the Abbey Fields project drew a good crowd and a number of people signed up for the circulation list – now around 600 – and as volunteers. And some completed the acrostic poetry challenge.
Finally, the free play doh tent and table had a stream of youngsters and sometimes bigger people! They created the flora and fauna of the meadow and beyond. Some stayed quite a long time so it must have been well received!
Thanks to all who came (well over 300 people) and the 15 Abbey Fields volunteers who made all this happen, around £500 nett was raised not to mention the fun had by all. This is the second year in which we have held an April quiz event, and it looks like it could become a regular village feature.
You can see a gallery of the pictures taken on the day below, including some great drone shots of the event.
Fundraising Team Abbey Fields
Alison Stuck
Arnold Fertig
Carron Brett